All Friday July and August, the association headed by Carina Tango 2en1 Morrudo organize a milonga in the splendid baroque Netino. The terrace of the Immaculate

For all tango aficionados in withdrawal symptoms,
milongueros for all in need of a buena tanda y nada mas ...
Hastalamilonga awaits you this Sunday in the picturesque setting of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele
al Gallery Café
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele
Piazza Antonello – MESSINA
First note the return of the great Susana Miller, who will do two days of internship in Public Scenario (Via Teatro Massimo 16 - Catania), organized by Neotango .
Susana Miller is now the teacher more prominent for his style of tango that is danced in the milongas, the busiest in the world. It 'a strictly social style that emphasizes musicality and apilado and the complicity of the pair of dancers . His exploration of dance is a huge and unique contribution to the world of tango. Susana formed in Buenos Aires dancers more than any other single teacher and founded, along with Maria Plazaola, milonguero tango academy, whose head and 'at one of the most popular milongas of the Federal Capital: the Beso in Riobamba.
At the same time, Miguel Bonasso, writer, Argentine journalist and MP, as well as partner of Miller, held a conference in Catania on "terrorism Literatura y de estado en Argentina en los años de la dictadura . Bonasso, who was sentenced to death by the military dictatorship, was forced into exile for years and was among the first to introduce in Italy the horrors of Argentina's military dictatorship.
The conference will be held April 3 at 12:00 to the Benedictine Hall A / 1 .
As announced sending you some information about TangoVacanza in Buenos Aires.
Programma del work-shop
Venerdì 27 Marzo 2009
M ilonga ai M agazzini
serata con esibizione dei maestri
musicalizza: El Ruby
(Tandas con selección del mejor Tango)
ingresso: 10 €
(con prosecco e stuzzichini)
Angela 392 0655036
Mariapia 339 5035152
Alejandra is known for He has participated in many tango shows, including Tango Pasion, and for his excellent technical qualities of precision and sensuality in dance.
To be able to admire the world-famous milonga "the luciernaga"
And Tango "Mala Junta"
Lo stage sarà tenuto presso l’AGA HOTEL, Via Ruggiero di Lauria, 43 - CATANIA
Per qualsiasi informazione e delucidazione:
Diego: 091 9825831/3294907812 – Valentina: 334 1865797
Versione di Velez I also from the soul I gave you my love humble and poor but holy and good like a mother as he loves God. Because you are my life because you are my dream because the penalties that had soul disperses you with your love. After much pain your holy love made me forget the bitterness until yesterday kept within the heart and soul. my mother right if I forgot a moment of your touch your tender kisses all your prayers Ay! sorry. But if you knew the good virgin comforts me today that gives me joy in sad when I think of you. Sorry mother if for a moment forgot you forgive, forgive your mother never erase memory. | Versione di Alma Manzi, if both have hurt do you refuse to forget? Why prefer mourn your loss, find what you wanted, what they call died? Vives and needlessly sad that you never deserved punishment pay to blame for being good, as good as you were love. was, what started once. What after longer What ultimately because of an error heart was bitter night. Put those cards! back to your old illusion! Along with the pain opening a wound bringing life comes another love. Alma not around your window the sun am happy not despair that the dream dearest is the one that hurts us, is what hurts most. Vives and needlessly sad that you never deserved punishment pay to blame for being good, as good as you were love. |
A narrative that depicts the many characters in a choral environment in which Lupino trudging, more and more suspicious of the mysterious progress of his partner in the dance school of tango and surprised by a thousand small squabbles that fill the undergrowth of fans and workers of the Argentine dance.
(testo tratto da
The Festival offers technique classes with prestigious teachers and dancers of great artists, representatives of different styles and personality.
nourished by their experiences will make it possible to know, embrace, dominate various forms of dance that will find their own style and become a perfect tango dancer.