Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Female Ginital Waxing
Prima esibizione ufficiale di Javier Rodriguez con la nuova partner Stella Missé (sorella di Andrea)
BuenosAires - Sunderland, 21 Feb 2009
Brano "Bien Pulenta - J. D'Arienzo cantores Alberto Echagüe
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Nordictrack Audiostrider Power Cord
Alejandra is known for He has participated in many tango shows, including Tango Pasion, and for his excellent technical qualities of precision and sensuality in dance.
To be able to admire the world-famous milonga "the luciernaga"
And Tango "Mala Junta"
Lo stage sarà tenuto presso l’AGA HOTEL, Via Ruggiero di Lauria, 43 - CATANIA
Per qualsiasi informazione e delucidazione:
Diego: 091 9825831/3294907812 – Valentina: 334 1865797
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Fig Newtons And Wasps

Stupendo questo brano melodico e purtroppo raro sentirlo in milonga, esprime( come molti altri ) il tema ricorrente della ricerca dell’amore, della fatica superata dalla voglia di cercare, review / our / or loved one or wandering in the hope of closing in that embrace that repays the effort of a long journey ... but that could be moved from the beloved / or with the desire to retrace the long road that led her / him.
historical video (unfortunately incomplete)
Letras y Musica - Eduardo Scalise Orq. Osvaldo Fresedo - Canta Ricardo Ruiz
Vagar ...
con el de mi cansancio ever go,
amarga Tristeza de la soledad Ansias
enormes de Llegar.
Que por la vida fui buscándote,
Que mis ensueños sin querer vencí
Que en algún cruce los dejé.
Mi andar apresuré
Con la esperanza de encontrarte a ti,
Largos caminos hilvané
Leguas y leguas recorrí por ti.
Después que entre tus brazos Pueda descansar,
Si lo prefieres volveré a marchar
Por mi camino de ayer.
Buon tango
Giannicola ;)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Building A Long Travel Sand Car

Why indeed, when he composed the song that would have been his masterpiece and best known around the world, had just 14 years!
Rosita Melo was born in 1897 in Uruguay and moved with his family in Argentina at the age of 2 years.
popular piano teacher and performer, was married in 1922 with the poet and writer Piuma Velez, who wrote the first version of the text Desde el alma.
Nel 1948 il grandissimo Homero Manzi volle inserire il brano nel suo film Pobre mi madre querida, ponendo però come condizione di riscriverne le parole. Rosita Melo e Piuma Velez accettarono (a patto che Velez figurasse come co-autore...).
E' così che Desde el alma divenne famoso in tutto il mondo.
Ecco un video tratto dal film originale, in cui un superbo Hugo del Carril canta il brano (verso metà del video). A testimonianza della forte presenza di Italiani in Argentina a quel tempo, a un certo punto del filmato un'attrice canticchia nostalgica la nota canzone napoletana Marechiaro .
Riporto qui both of you testo versioni, quella originale e quella più di Velez famous di Manzi.
Versione di Velez I also from the soul I gave you my love humble and poor but holy and good like a mother as he loves God. Because you are my life because you are my dream because the penalties that had soul disperses you with your love. After much pain your holy love made me forget the bitterness until yesterday kept within the heart and soul. my mother right if I forgot a moment of your touch your tender kisses all your prayers Ay! sorry. But if you knew the good virgin comforts me today that gives me joy in sad when I think of you. Sorry mother if for a moment forgot you forgive, forgive your mother never erase memory. | Versione di Alma Manzi, if both have hurt do you refuse to forget? Why prefer mourn your loss, find what you wanted, what they call died? Vives and needlessly sad that you never deserved punishment pay to blame for being good, as good as you were love. was, what started once. What after longer What ultimately because of an error heart was bitter night. Put those cards! back to your old illusion! Along with the pain opening a wound bringing life comes another love. Alma not around your window the sun am happy not despair that the dream dearest is the one that hurts us, is what hurts most. Vives and needlessly sad that you never deserved punishment pay to blame for being good, as good as you were love. |
A voi scelta ...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Diet Clinic Matamoros Mx
Finocchiaro, musica internazionale e di fame Italian prime ad essere membro Nominate Academia Nacional de Tango de Buenos Aires, guides listeners RadioSNJ the discovery of the rhythms and sounds of Argentina.
" Tango Mundo" is broadcast on the Travel Channel RadioSNJ , live every Wednesday from 15.00 to 16.00, and repeated from Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 16.00
course we talk about a radio then listen to the streaming site
"I personally had the pleasure of listening to this broadcast and I found it very interesting and well maintained historic appearance and technical, I think a good deal of information on this vast world of the tango can do good to all of us, especially if everything comes from specialists and qualified persons in the field of music ".
source: group Mundo Tango facebook
Quotes Of Pat Tillman

Lupin, who takes tango lessons in tandem with the director of his newspaper, is catapulted to observe from the outside world pseudo argentinizzato she feels she can be part fully, including types such as " sample "O Rey Cazzotango the fancazzista M. Bukowski, the beautiful Milly the Slava, the volcanic Pequeño Buscherna, the Unless slimy Paletta ol'inguaribile Master Moreno and a fantastic sample of humanity that populates the microcosm tango, but it could be also the mirror of our society.
A narrative that depicts the many characters in a choral environment in which Lupino trudging, more and more suspicious of the mysterious progress of his partner in the dance school of tango and surprised by a thousand small squabbles that fill the undergrowth of fans and workers of the Argentine dance.
(testo tratto da
Friday, February 6, 2009
Where Can I Watch Sean Cody For Free

Un diario di viaggio nel tango di oggi
How Long Does A Portable Fire Exting
y Gabriella Grasso 4et Silver Tango - Live @ MA

hours 22:00 to 23:45 at the disco MA (Music Action) via Vela 8 (Ursino Castle area) CATANIA => MAP
Voice and Guitar: Gabriella Grasso
Bass : Vincenzo Virgillito
Percussioni : Francesco Bazzano
Fisarmonica : Maurizio Burzillà
Chitarra e Bouzouki : Denis Marino
Occorre conferma per essere inseriti in lista ingresso (contattare Denis Marino entro le ore 18:30)
per altre informazioni e prenotazioni per l'evento => qui su Facebook