Thursday, July 23, 2009

Felicity Shagwell Hairstyles

Milonga between the stars and the baroque of Noto

All Friday July and August, the association headed by Carina Tango 2en1 Morrudo organize a milonga in the splendid baroque Netino. The terrace of the Immaculate
from 21:30

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Can Stress Cause Snoring

Los Nocheros - The chacarera the rancho

my experience that the folklore Argentine tango is more addictive! Here is one of the most
Chacareras spent The Viruta of Buenos Aires.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fujita Air Conditionermanual

Corsini Festival 2009 - Troina (EN) - Ignacio Corsini - Cantores Argentine

Q ualche tempo fà sono stati pubblicati su TANGHERI degli articoli ed interviste interessanti su Ignazio Corsini, famosissimo cantores argentino nato a Troina(Enna) nel lontano 1896 ed emigrato in terra argentina in tenerissima età.

I posts in questione, da rivedere e leggere piacevolmente, sono:

La Regione Siciliana, Assessorato della famiglia, delle politiche Social and local governments, the Municipality of Troina, Department of Tourism and the Cultural Association "CAMINITOTangoCATANIA" They have

Corsini Festival 2009 - Troina (EN) Award Ignacio Corsini - Issue

3 - 4 - 5 July 2009 International Convention
tango shows, milongas, workshops, side events with

Luis Castro y Claudia Mendoza Corsini 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award

Cristian Cisneros and Virginia PORRINO Argentine dancers, the cast of "Forever Tango "

Angelo Grasso and Antonella Milone Italian masters of the Academy CaminitoTangoCatania "

>> ERSU Symphony Orchestra - Catania director: Antonio Fiorino
>> Silver Tango Quartet Gabriella Grasso - vocals and guitar

for more information ...

Arte Italica Dinnerware

CATANIA - TANGO outdoor season begins ....

Now begins the season of tango OUTSIDE , all those tang heri air and ventilation fans want some week. The tango is pleasant in summer and even more you want, create the atmosphere different but always very intense, change colors, scents and often even the participants found time to attend our milongas during the holiday season and stay in our beautiful and beloved Sicily.

So evenings are currently provided by the associations:

  • from 13 June ( every Sat all summer ) - 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 Ta ngo InPlaza - Milonga sea LIDO BLUE - Playa of Catania Viale Kennedy - by
  • June 23 ( at every Tues ) - 21:30 at the first MOON BEACH - Viale Kennedy 8 Plaia Catania ( only for June 23 musicalizza DJ Marco Evola-Rome ) by Neotango
  • 25 giugno (gio.) TANGO-ROYAL - dalle 21:00 all' 1:30 terrazza Hotel Royal - via di Sangiuliano 337 ( locale climatizzato ) by caminitotango

... per le altre serate rimaniamo in attesa di comunicazione ufficiale da parte delle Associazioni organizzatrici , per comunicazione sulle serate e/o programmazioni varie scrivere a

buon tango a tutti ...
;) Giannicola

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thank You Message For The Support Of The Program

Tango at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele di Messina

Domenica 14 Giugno 2009 - ore 20.30


For all tango aficionados in withdrawal symptoms,
milongueros for all in need of a buena tanda y nada mas ...
Hastalamilonga awaits you this Sunday in the picturesque setting of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele

al Gallery Café
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele
Piazza Antonello – MESSINA

musicalizza: Farola (tandas y cortinas)
Teatro dei Naviganti
info: Mariapia & Cristiana 339 5035152 - 334 9611943
details on www.hastalamilonga.wordpress. Com

Friday, May 1, 2009

Milena Velba And Nadine Jansen Milking

5 to 10 May 09 - Pablo RODRIGUEZ y Noelia HURTADO

P rhyme confirmed their presence at the August CTF2009 the opportunity a busy week di incontri per continuare a conoscere a fondo lo stile di una coppia di Maestri che, come sempre, ci entusiasmeranno con la loro freschezza e spontaneità!!

Pablo Rodriguez e Noelia Hurtado sono considerati la coppia rivelazione del Campionato Metropolitano di Tango Argentino di Buenos Aires (che hanno vinto nella categoria Tango Salon nel 2006 ).
Iniziano la loro carriera artistica nel 2003 al prestigioso Club Sunderland di Buenos Aires e da allora hanno ballato nelle più famose milonghe della capitale argentina
Hanno studiato tango con i Maestri Carlos Perez e Rosa Forte con i quali hanno acquisito le basi strutturali del famoso “ Stile Villa Urquiza "participating in the Academy of Tango
that spreads the style.
The intense investigation of the diverse universe tango has led them to acquire the forms and styles of the tango from its origins as a folk dance up to the typical evolution of new trends. Thus Pablo and Noelia can combine in a unique way the basic elements of tango and milonga style "Villa Urquiza" and the new techniques of contemporary tango proposing an elegant style that combines the power of traditional tango musicality and the dynamic movement


Tuesday, May 5
19:30 to 20:45 - T1 - Milongueros games, decorations for man and woman . - Liv.> CUS + Univ
21:00 to 22:15 - T2 - Technical body balance Embrace weight changes. Liv.
Mercoledì 6 Maggio
20:15 to 21:30 - T3 - address changes and stops. - Liv. / Gruppo 1
21:45 to 23:00 - T4 - Transport in parallel system, linear motion - Liv. P1>

only Giovedì 7 Maggio
20:15 to 21:30 - T5 - concept of circularity and turns. - Liv.B / Gruppo 1
dalle 22:00 Tango&Lounge EMPIRE ( Pablo & Noelia ospiti in sala dopo le lezioni )

Venerdi 8 maggio
21:45 - 23:00 – T6 – Interpretaticiòn musical. Dinamicas y energia – Liv.D

Sabato 9 maggio
16:00 - 17:15 –T7 - Movimientos circulares. Cruces y ochos - Liv.A / Gruppo 2
17:30 - 18:45 –T8 - Giros con enrosques - Liv.B / Gruppo 2
19:00 - 20:15 –T9 – Tecnica de voleos en movimientos circulares – Liv. C/Gruppo unico

ore 22:00 - MilongadelBarrioalCUS -CUS Dance Hall, Cittadella Universitaria
midnight show of the Masters Lessons

extra depth

Thursday, May 7
9:45 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. - T10 - Tecnica para mujeres , y movim corporalidad balance. Circular . Liv. B + C + D

Friday, May 8
20:15 to 21:30 - T11 - Milonga with traspiè - Liv. B + C + D

Sunday, May 10 17:00 to 18:30 T12 WORKSHOP - LEVEL B + C + D. Orquestas conceptos y técnica. Musicalidad
Sunday, May 10

Hours 20:00 to 01:00 - EMPIRE / baile de despedida
- goodbye to the Catania Festival 2009 Pablo & Noelia!

Location: All lectures at the Centre Bu-Sen, via the cliff No 18 - Catania

Legend groups
Liv.Pzero - Absolute beginners - courses started in March 2009
Liv. P1-Beginner Level 1 - courses started in January 2009
Liv. - Pre-Intermediate courses started in October 2008
Liv. B - Intermediate - second year
Liv.C - Pre-Advanced - third year
Liv.D - Advanced - fourth year (e oltre) di lezioni

Costi (per persona)
* una lezione 25 € / due lezioni 45 € / ogni lezione extra (oltre le prime due) 20 €
* lezioni extra giovedì o venerdi 25 € / workshop (1.5h) 30 €
* per gli allievi dei corsi di Angelo&Antonella una lezione è compresa nel pacchetto mensile
* per gli allievi ogni lezione extra oltre quella in pacchetto: 15 €
* per gli allievi lezioni extra gio/ven 15 € / workshop 15 €
* per gli allievi CUS +Univ ogni lezione extra oltre quella in pacchetto
* per gli allievi CUS +Univ ogni extra di gio e ven / workshop di domenica >> 10€ *
evening at the CUS - 7 € (buffet of drinks) / nights to 'EMPIRE usual amount

Angelo Grasso: 339 5022208

Monday, April 27, 2009

Cruising For Guysin Toronto

Milonga Municipal Messina

For further details and to schedule lessons with Javier Guiraldi reference site Hastalamilonga .

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lifecam Vx-3000 Usb Driver Microsoft

El Encopao - O. Pugliese / E. Dize

C on pleasure I will share with you some impressions of a beautiful song that we hear and rarely danced in the milonga. The
song in question is titled "El encopao" 1942 Music: Osvaldo Pugliese Text: "Enrique Dize "
The different versions that are often musicalizzate is that of ' Orc. Enrique Rodriguez sings A. Moreno (my favorite version), which however has nothing to envy to the version from the master A. Troilus sings Francisco Fiorentino.

El Encopao literally translated as "the drunk "(the man in the bottle), the text reads" ... they do not know what happened to me, but pretend to know everything, but it does not matter to me ... "the vision of a person who takes refuge in a drink has its reasons, but mainly the fact that" ... her no matter if I live in this state ... confusion among the drinks and memories .. for the love of my life "The orchestra
Rodriguez begins this tune using the plan to mark the time, while Bandoneon and violins play around with a strong candenza as yearning to recreate the atmosphere of the text, the voice of A. Moreno sounds almost like un pianto di dolore di una persona persa abbandonata nell’alcool. Questo rende l’interpretazione di Rodriguez + Moreno, secondo il mio modesto parere, ancora + intenso e più attinenye al contenuto del testo.
Nella versione diretta da Troilo con la voce di F.Fiorentino che canta in maniera più morbida e con molte più pause, come se la voce stessa decidesse i tempi e l’orchestra aspetta per lui.
Due versioni differenti, ma belle entrambe!!

Me llaman El Encopao
los que no saben
lo que me ha pasao

y me ven hecho un cualquiera...

¡Que digan lo que digan,

I no longer make a dent!

I call The Encopao
as if the honor goes well lose

and do not see the killer

rage among a few drinks

has its reason.

Total, does it matter to her
live as I live!

always stuck in that corner bowling

that is no longer cute
for his forgetfulness.

Total, does it matter to her
live as I live! Dizzy

de caña y de recuerdos,
noche y día,
día y noche, por su vida que es mi amor.

Me dicen El Encopao
y no es mentira que voy mal rumbeao...

¡Todo por una morocha
que me marcó una güeya
de penas y de sombras!
Me llaman El Encopao

pero conmigo nadie va a jugar
porque los hombres se encuentran

y entonces cara a cara hay que corajear.

Buon tango
Giannicola :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ikusa Otome Vlkyrie Suvia

Milonga Salon - Friday, March 27

VENERDI' 27 Marzo dalle ore 22:00

Vi invita alla...


del Maestro Roberto Herrera
con Silvana Capra

Street Cemetery, 1 - Mascalucia (CT)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How To Make A Bike Do A Loud Noise From The Crank

Susana Miller and Miguel Bonasso

the weekend of April 4:05 Catania held in two events very interesting.

First note the return of the great Susana Miller, who will do two days of internship in Public Scenario (Via Teatro Massimo 16 - Catania), organized by Neotango .
Susana Miller is now the teacher more prominent for his style of tango that is danced in the milongas, the busiest in the world. It 'a strictly social style that emphasizes musicality and apilado and the complicity of the pair of dancers . His exploration of dance is a huge and unique contribution to the world of tango. Susana formed in Buenos Aires dancers more than any other single teacher and founded, along with Maria Plazaola, milonguero tango academy, whose head and 'at one of the most popular milongas of the Federal Capital: the Beso in Riobamba.

At the same time, Miguel Bonasso, writer, Argentine journalist and MP, as well as partner of Miller, held a conference in Catania on "terrorism Literatura y de estado en Argentina en los años de la dictadura . Bonasso, who was sentenced to death by the military dictatorship, was forced into exile for years and was among the first to introduce in Italy the horrors of Argentina's military dictatorship.
The conference will be held April 3 at 12:00 to the Benedictine Hall A / 1 .

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chest Rash 2 Weeks After Exposure To Hiv

Catania Tango Holiday in Buenos Aires - Argentina

As announced sending you some information about TangoVacanza in Buenos Aires.

The package was designed exclusively for Italy by myself last year in Buenos Aires with the director of Mansion 5-star hotel located in the heart of San Telmo in Buenos Aires.

The main feature is that in addition to overnight at the luxury hotel at half the price than the official price lists,

we added and included in cost, a number of exclusive services for Tanguera:

Dinner Show in the house of a famous tango classes every day resident at the Academy of Tango,

to transfer most every night milongas famous Buenos Aires, the whole day at a "estancia" to eat the 'asado "living folklore of the show ...!

premise that there is no minimum number of participants date (or you can start with two people or more ..), the package is valid at any time of year!

Specifically, the package includes:

  • 7 or 14 nights in double room category "Royal"
  • receipt of the group from the staff at the airport with a floral tribute to the lady
    airport-hotel- Airport

  • welcome in the hotel with live bandoneon music, champagne and fruit basket

  • butler service

  • breakfast until late
  • six best milongas in Buenos Aires, one each night, with personal transport included
  • dinner show at a famous Tango

  • tango classes every day at the "Academy Residencial Carlos Gavito Tango" at the mansion
  • two hours of class room reserved for private hotel

the price fluctuates around 1,480 € for 14 days (varies with weight-dollar price ..) and if combined with the super Alitalia bid to 400 euro round trip becomes truly missed!

For more information:
do me a ring at 345 2526910


What Not To Mix With Seroquel

From Chopin to Donato - The melody of corazon

U n bellissimo brano di tango interpretato da E dgardo D onato , che spesse volte sentiamo musicalizzare durante le milonghe.
Il brano in questione richiama uno dei più bei studi di F. Chopin ( Op.10 n.3 ' Tristesse ') dove il compositore fa emergere la sua anima limpida , sognante , malinconica e cantabile , impronta we do not find in other works by Chopin himself, which often show a black and enigmatic character (see the finale of Op n.12 .25) or even as the funeral with the funeral march sonata.

Master Donato thanks to its elegance of his melodic tracks, not to overlook the fact that the great violinist solos often emphasized that he himself composed, he could also stand for the skill of its singers, was able to give an intense interpretive stamp on this wonderful study that the great Chopin has left us a legacy.
I invite you to listen to two interpretations, one of the great classical pianist Maurizio Pollini and Master , and one directed by Edgardo Donato.

Op.10 No.3 "Tristesse" taken from Chopin's Etudes - Maurizio Pollini played by Maestro

"The Melody of Corazon" Orc.Edgardo Donato - sings Romeo Gavioli simply danced by Luiza Pasierowska Osky & Casas,

the melody of the lyrics of CORAZON
Carmelo Santiago - Música Fioravante Di Cicco María y Héctor Artola

Mil I loves me
And I found none
The sweetness that I dreamed,
Since I found instead only
The despicable falsehood
That my soul hardened.
A life returns
When your little angel face,
crossed in my life
and channeled my existence,
On the path that I never let

Your love,
Sweetness and faith!
shrank to me, craving
live in peace with God ... Peace
ambition of affection he craved Sun,
And that was triumphant love song,
That in its splendor, making
ways Melody, my heart With
frenzy, singing happily. Buon

tango ... Giannicola;)

Interview Email Subject

The return to Catania Roberto Herrera

to Il grande ritorno di Catania ...
Roberto Herrera Silvana
Week-end 27/29 Marzo 2009

Full immersion di Tango Argentino tra storia, cultura e innovazione nella danza, da vivere non solo nel work-shop intensivo, ma da godere soprattutto nell'originale show del Maestro Herrera, accompagnato ancora una volta dalla ballerina professionista Silvana Capra.

Programma del work-shop

Venerdì 27 Marzo 2009

14:00 - 15:30 Livello intermedio/avanzato:
Tango “Nuevero”… involution or evolution?

22:00 Milonga at Salon Mascalucia

Saturday, March 28, 2009
14:00 - 15:30 Single Layer:
technical man driving dissociation enrosques, movements "compadres"
15:40 - 17:10 Intermediate / Advanced:
Ganchos y boleos: Unlike "marcacion" and application - in different types of styles.

17:20 - 18:50 Beginner:
barridas variadas: online and circulars.

Sunday 29 Marzo 2009
12:00 – 13:30 Livello unico:
Tango universale: da dove siamo partiti e dove andiamo. Classe speciale di teoria e pratica socio-musical-danzante sulla storia del tango dalle radici al “nuevo”.

Pausa Pranzo

16:00 – 17:30 Livello principianti:
variazioni di ocho cortado
17:40 – 19:10 Livello intermedio/avanzato:
combinazioni di milonga con traspié

Tea Break

19:30 – 21:00 Livello avanzato:
playing with the milonga: "Broken" typical and atypical, jump, change of musicality and interpretation.

The classes will be held at:
Orient & Fitness
Via Umberto, 3
Gravina di Catania

LOCATION OF Milonga FRIDAY March 27 from 22:00
Milonga SALON
Street Cemetery, a

Info ..


Olga 3386473506 347 5882311 EMAIL

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Copycat Recipe Red Velvet

Milonga at Magazzini salt (Me ) - Friday 6 marzo 2009

T angle Q uerido with the collaboration of H to S tala M ilonga

M ilonga ai M agazzini

Via del Santo 67 – Messina

serata con esibizione dei maestri

Victoria Arenillas & Leonardo Felix Elias

musicalizza: El Ruby

(Tandas con selección del mejor Tango)

ingresso: 10 €

(con prosecco e stuzzichini)

Angela 392 0655036
Mariapia 339 5035152

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How To Change A Lamp To Direct

Voli Alitalia per Buenos Aires a 400 euro!

Communication Service.

For those who still do not know, Alitalia has a new promotion for international flights.

Andare a Buenos Aires per visitare la tanto agognata mecca del Tango costa soltanto 400 euro (andata e ritorno)! Quale migliore occasione per decidere di recarci nella "terra promessa"?!

Affrettatevi, perchè è possibile acquistare i biglietti aerei entro il 9 marzo, con la possibilità di prenotare partenze fino al 30 Giugno.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Female Ginital Waxing

Prima esibizione di Javier Rodriguez y Stella Missé

Prima esibizione ufficiale di Javier Rodriguez con la nuova partner Stella Missé (sorella di Andrea)
BuenosAires - Sunderland, 21 Feb 2009
Brano "Bien Pulenta - J. D'Arienzo cantores Alberto Echagüe

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nordictrack Audiostrider Power Cord

Stage di tecnica con Alejandra Mantinan 26/02/09

Alejandra is known for He has participated in many tango shows, including Tango Pasion, and for his excellent technical qualities of precision and sensuality in dance.

To be able to admire the world-famous milonga "the luciernaga"

And Tango "Mala Junta"

Lo stage sarà tenuto presso l’AGA HOTEL, Via Ruggiero di Lauria, 43 - CATANIA

Per qualsiasi informazione e delucidazione:

Diego: 091 9825831/3294907812 – Valentina: 334 1865797

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fig Newtons And Wasps

Buscàndote .. O.Fresedo canta Ruiz

Buscàndote ...
Stupendo questo brano melodico e purtroppo raro sentirlo in milonga, esprime( come molti altri ) il tema ricorrente della ricerca dell’amore, della fatica superata dalla voglia di cercare, review / our / or loved one or wandering in the hope of closing in that embrace that repays the effort of a long journey ... but that could be moved from the beloved / or with the desire to retrace the long road that led her / him.

historical video (unfortunately incomplete)

Letras y Musica - Eduardo Scalise Orq. Osvaldo Fresedo - Canta Ricardo Ruiz
Vagar ...
con el de mi cansancio ever go,
amarga Tristeza de la soledad Ansias
enormes de Llegar.

Que por la vida fui buscándote,
Que mis ensueños sin querer vencí

Que en algún cruce los dejé.
Mi andar apresuré

Con la esperanza de encontrarte a ti,

Largos caminos hilvané

Leguas y leguas recorrí por ti.

Después que entre tus brazos
Pueda descansar,
Si lo prefieres volveré a marchar

Por mi camino de ayer.

Buon tango
Giannicola ;)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Building A Long Travel Sand Car

Le donne del Tango: Rosita Melo

We all know the wonderful Desde el alma vals , but I'm sure not everyone knows that this great classic was composed by a woman, even by a little girl! Rosita Melo
Why indeed, when he composed the song that would have been his masterpiece and best known around the world, had just 14 years!

Rosita Melo was born in 1897 in Uruguay and moved with his family in Argentina at the age of 2 years.
popular piano teacher and performer, was married in 1922 with the poet and writer Piuma Velez, who wrote the first version of the text Desde el alma.

Nel 1948 il grandissimo Homero Manzi volle inserire il brano nel suo film Pobre mi madre querida, ponendo però come condizione di riscriverne le parole. Rosita Melo e Piuma Velez accettarono (a patto che Velez figurasse come co-autore...).
E' così che Desde el alma divenne famoso in tutto il mondo.

Ecco un video tratto dal film originale, in cui un superbo Hugo del Carril canta il brano (verso metà del video). A testimonianza della forte presenza di Italiani in Argentina a quel tempo, a un certo punto del filmato un'attrice canticchia nostalgica la nota canzone napoletana Marechiaro .

Riporto qui both of you testo versioni, quella originale e quella più di Velez famous di Manzi.

Versione di Velez

I also from the soul I gave you my love

humble and poor but holy and good
like a mother
as he loves God.

Because you are my life
because you are my dream

because the penalties that had soul disperses

you with your love.

After much pain

your holy love made me forget the bitterness

until yesterday
kept within the heart and soul.

my mother right if I forgot a moment of your touch

your tender kisses all your prayers

Ay! sorry.

But if you knew the good virgin

comforts me today that gives me joy

in sad when I think of you. Sorry

mother if for a moment forgot you
forgive, forgive your mother

never erase memory.
Versione di Alma

Manzi, if both have hurt
do you refuse to forget? Why prefer

mourn your loss,
find what you wanted, what they call
died? Vives

and needlessly sad that you never deserved punishment

pay to blame for being good, as good as you were


was, what started once. What

after longer

What ultimately because of an error
heart was bitter night.

Put those cards!
back to your old illusion! Along with the pain

opening a wound

bringing life comes another love. Alma

not around your window the sun
am happy

not despair that the dream
dearest is the one that hurts us,
is what hurts most. Vives

and needlessly sad that you never deserved punishment

pay to blame for being good, as good as you were


A voi scelta ...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Diet Clinic Matamoros Mx

Mundo Tango su RadioSNJ

WORLD SO GO un'ora ... nella notte di Buenos Aires tango ... in diretta tutti i mercoledì, dalle ore 15 alle 16, sul canale di Viaggi RadioSNJ! Franco

Finocchiaro, musica internazionale e di fame Italian prime ad essere membro Nominate Academia Nacional de Tango de Buenos Aires, guides listeners RadioSNJ the discovery of the rhythms and sounds of Argentina.

" Tango Mundo" is broadcast on the Travel Channel RadioSNJ , live every Wednesday from 15.00 to 16.00, and repeated from Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 16.00

course we talk about a radio then listen to the streaming site
"I personally had the pleasure of listening to this broadcast and I found it very interesting and well maintained historic appearance and technical, I think a good deal of information on this vast world of the tango can do good to all of us, especially if everything comes from specialists and qualified persons in the field of music ".

source: group Mundo Tango facebook

Quotes Of Pat Tillman

"Tangheria" di Gianluca Reale

Lupino Caruso has abandoned the great dreams sent to work as a reporter in the most widely read newspaper gossip Balata. His career can turn when the director of Rosa Tremila him the Heading Chronicles Tanguar . Objective, bluntly telling the morbid and fanatical world of the tango, including gossip, secret loves, low blows, infighting between the various "schools of thought and passion for a witch dance that all those who practice it.

Lupin, who takes tango lessons in tandem with the director of his newspaper, is catapulted to observe from the outside world pseudo argentinizzato she feels she can be part fully, including types such as " sample "O Rey Cazzotango the fancazzista M. Bukowski, the beautiful Milly the Slava, the volcanic Pequeño Buscherna, the Unless slimy Paletta ol'inguaribile Master Moreno and a fantastic sample of humanity that populates the microcosm tango, but it could be also the mirror of our society.

A narrative that depicts the many characters in a choral environment in which Lupino trudging, more and more suspicious of the mysterious progress of his partner in the dance school of tango and surprised by a thousand small squabbles that fill the undergrowth of fans and workers of the Argentine dance.

(testo tratto da

Friday, February 6, 2009

Where Can I Watch Sean Cody For Free

Il Tango Ritrovato di Haim Burstin

Il tango ritrovato di Haim Burstin , Donzelli editore, collana Virgola, 2008.

Un diario di viaggio nel tango di oggi

Non l'ennesima storia del tango, non un manuale, non un racconto, né un'autobiografia. In queste pagine il lettore troverà piuttosto una sorta di reportage, un percorso nel vissuto current Argentine tango, from the new success that is known throughout the world. To animate this route is the author's experience over twenty years, with the travel, reading and attending an intense tango in different environments in which it lives . [...] The author intends to remove the most stubborn clichés associated with tango and analyze the collective behaviors, attitudes, but also the poses of those who practice this dance and shares in the most different countries, customs and values.

Abroad (meaning outside of Argentina) this complicated tangle between reality and tradition does not exist: the tango is a way meta , with no consequence lived, somehow out of time and space. Try to systematically seek to couples dancing that you see in Europe, especially to young people, what it evokes in them the tango and what prompted them to dance. In most cases you will find that is the chance to have them taken in this direction: a voice circulated among friends, a hearsay, an occasional contact, a desire to socialize, the need di una meta serale, il desiderio di più facili incontri . Non di rado molti di costoro non avevano quasi mai ascoltato un solo tango prima che una di queste fortuite circostanze si producesse o ne avevano, a dire tanto, una immagine vaga ed approssimativa. Se il caso avesse agito diversamente avrebbero potuto con lo stesso numero di probabilità schivare il tango e finire magari a ballare ritmi caraibici, intraprendere yoga o il tai-chi. Nessuna forma di radicamento nella tradizione, nessun riflesso di una memoria storica li ha portati 'naturalmente' verso questa direzione. In linea di massima il tango è per i giovani europei quasi completamente decontestualizzato: pochi sono coloro che collocano la genealogia della loro passione in a historical, geographical or merely cultural.

How Long Does A Portable Fire Exting

Gabriella Grasso y Argento Tango 4et - Live @ MA

y Gabriella Grasso 4et Silver Tango - Live @ MA

Friday, February 6, 2009
hours 22:00 to 23:45 at the disco MA (Music Action) via Vela 8 (Ursino Castle area) CATANIA
=> MAP

Voice and Guitar: Gabriella Grasso
Bass : Vincenzo Virgillito
Percussioni : Francesco Bazzano
Fisarmonica : Maurizio Burzillà
Chitarra e Bouzouki : Denis Marino

Occorre conferma per essere inseriti in lista ingresso (contattare Denis Marino entro le ore 18:30)

per altre informazioni e prenotazioni per l'evento => qui su Facebook

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can Valerian Root Hurt My Cat

2° Mujeres Tango Festival - Napoli 6-7-8 Marzo 2009

I l Festival Internazionale di Tango dedicato alle Donne giunto alla 2° edition.

The changing role of women in the dance tan go was the element of inspiration to create this unique festival for women .

The Festival offers technique classes with prestigious teachers and dancers of great artists, representatives of different styles and personality.
nourished by their experiences will make it possible to know, embrace, dominate various forms of dance that will find their own style and become a perfect tango dancer.

source and more info: