Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Stop Constant Erections

Gate Arnone. Carnival party, facts and observations.

  di Pasquale Leggiero.
Anche il carnevale del 2011 è passato e a Cancello Arnone non da meno con il carro organizzato dal club Napoli, alla sua quinta edizione. Sfilate, musica, canti e balli hanno accompagnato i due giorni di festa, il tutto è filato liscio, a parte qualche scaramuccia. Come ebbe a dire qualcuno l’anno scorso: critiche intorno a questa festa ci sono state, ci sono e ci saranno sempre. Ora noi non vogliamo presentare nessuna critica a chi lavora per organizzare tali eventi, anzi un’iniziativa del genere può andare solo elogiata e appoggiata e con l’augurio che una prossima volta possa grow more and more. As we said, but no critical comments, and if yes then there will be those who will call and then critical that they can not be constructive, to help improve the next time. At the beginning of our discussion we talked about skirmish, what are you doing? Regarding the organization could have published a preview of the path of the wagon and the necessary support for the dances of children and adults, why not write it on maybe leaflets of the program. During carnival we expected there was also an awareness campaign by the volunteers of the Civil Protection Office for the correct use of sprays carnival. Unfortunately, the institutions have not supported these volunteers in this initiative and although there was some cans' reduced compared to previous years, but not much, but if the institutions have organized meetings with citizens and perhaps especially with the kids, we probably would have seen the proper use as spray cans. The competent bodies during the event were responsible for confiscation of such cans and a lot of guys saying that it was contesting the confiscation carnival and asking why then did these cans. It must be said then, that as we see is not the fault of teenagers but who should make them understand and it does not. We hope that next year even these small things could be corrected.


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